Ensuring You Find the Right Adjustable Bed Base

Adjustable bed bases reposition your body to help relieve pressure and keep your head and legs elevated. They can make sitting up in bed to read or watch TV much more comfortable, and many people like the feeling of being in this sort of cradled position. If you want to buy an adjustable bed base, you can read on to know what to expect and what else you might need to change so you can use one.

You'll Need to Ensure Your Mattress Will Bend With the Base

If you're looking to upgrade your frame to an adjustable base but haven't considered replacing your mattress, double-check whether your current mattress will be able to bend with the frame. A stiff innerspring mattress might not, but a foam mattress should work well. Sometimes a specific bed base needs a specific mattress – in other words, one from the same company—so if you prefer to use your current mattress, make sure you get a bed base that will work with any brand and not just one from the same company.

Consider a Split Base With Two Separate Adjustable Halves

If you share a bed with a partner, you can get adjustable bases that are split. The main frame is one piece, but the adjustable base has two halves that can be adjusted independently. This is a terrific deal for couples who have different sleeping requirements. You will need two separate mattresses for a base like this. If you look at these models, make sure there's not too much space between the two halves so that the mattresses can sit close together, and you won't notice a gap.

Your Sleeping Position Needs to Be Compatible, Too

If you tend to be a restless sleeper, even when a bed is very comfortable, the adjustable base could affect your ability to move around. That could be a good thing if you've been trying to not move around so much, of course. But if you move around a lot and can't move into the position your body was trying to get into, that could wake you up. That's not to say an adjustable frame won't work for you because it could just mean you have to adjust it differently the next time you go to sleep. Of course, if you're someone who tends to not move very much in your sleep, then an adjustable bed will be fine.

Adjustable base technology gets better every year. Take a look at current offerings to see if there's one that will help you get some deep sleep.
